About Heid Hypnotherapy
Formed in 2022, Heid Hypnotherapy is named after a character in Norse mythology who underwent a magical transformation.
And that’s what Heid is all about - transforming.
Taking the root of the problem, and approaching it with love and compassion to create long lasting change without reliving trauma, without repression, and without having to mask our uniqueness.
Hypnotherapy is a dynamic treatment that can be approached in a number of different ways. There’s no right way, but you may find some styles of hypnotherapy feel as though they will be better for you than others.
My work is very much about working with the subconscious, assuming that every habit, every behaviour, every belief started with a reason - usually to bring something positive. But then helping the subconscious to see how the reason is no longer necessary, or that there’s another way to achieve the same goal, and to gently help you convince your subconscious to change.
Many of my clients are or have been functioning. They have coping strategies, they’re getting on with things.
But the check engine light might be on.
Or they may be aware the amount of things they need to do to function is growing. The emotional load they carry gets heavier each year. The hidden is no longer happy to sit in the background.
Those things which were easier to ignore before are now tapping you on the shoulder. They may be manifesting as other things: anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive habits, relationship problems, addiction, eating disorders, physical health problems, phobias, nightmares.
Because we live with these things for so long we forget we have the ability to change them.
And sometimes we don’t decide to finally work on that issue, something happens which makes it impossible for us NOT to work on it.
Changes within your work, your home, your relationship can create imbalance in those finally tuned coping strategies.
Or they can trigger previous trauma memories, or attachment wounds you maybe didn’t even realise you had.
It’s not unusual for a crisis to force you towards making that change you may have known you needed for years.
But Heid Hypnotherapy is here to make that process as easy and comfortable as possible.
Whatever is calling you to make that change, however many times you come back to this webpage before clicking the “book now” button.
I’m here to hold space for you as you take that step forward.
You might choose to work online, or face to face, with one single session or over a period of time. But whichever process you choose, I’m with you through that transformation offering compassion, understanding, and most of all… deep wonderful relaxation.