Working with Ancestral energy and inherited patterns

What do you inherit from those who have gone before?

When you look in the mirror, what do you see that echoes of the faces of your ancestors?

Do you see those echoes in your behaviour and beliefs too? Do you hear them in the way you talk to yourself, or maybe in the way you talk to your children?

In Hypnotherapy we work with the subconscious and the beliefs and patterns we’re unaware of

We search for the underlying reasons why we may believe a certain thing or behave a certain way.

Much of these hidden drives come from things we’ve learnt in our own lifetimes. Sometimes we think about where we learnt them and why.

But as individuals we’re part of a bigger system. We learn from our parents and caregivers, we listen to the stories told by the community around us, and we inherit the memory of the experiences of those who have gone before us.

Whether we know our genetic ancestors or not we still inherit ancestral patterns

Epigentics teaches us genes can be inherited in a switched on or switched off way depending on the experiences of our grandparents before they passed their genes down to our parents.

Unprocessed trauma can be passed down to us in many different ways, even if we never met the family who experienced the trauma.

Freud believed knowledge of the unconscious (that within us we can’t see) gives us more ability to understand our drives and to overcome them (if we wish to do so).

By exploring the unseen energy and unconscious patterns we’ve inherited we can be empowered to choose what we claim and what we process and let go.

We also inherit energy and patterns from non genetic ancestors

Ancestral energy flows downwards. If we are close to a caregiver or mentor we may also inherit their unseen patterns and beliefs.

Similarly, we can inherit from aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, older generation cousins and second cousins, and older siblings.

Like water flowing, ancestral energy will naturally find a route to flow down. Where there are blockages that energy may find a different path.

What causes the blockages?

If we see inherited energy as flowing downwards, we can see that each ancestor “gives” to the descendant below them. That energy flows parent to child, or ancestor to descendant, so that each part of the chain inherits enough to make their own way and to pass down to the next step down.

But sometimes, a descendant tries in some way to pass the energy upwards. And this causes a blockage.

This might be because that part of the chain is a parentified child, reversing the natural parent/ child dynamic and unconsciously blocking the flow.

I have also seen ancestral expectations passed down that the descendant endeavours to meet, even though it is not their natural path. These expectations can be energy passed upwards and become blockages.

When the energy cannot pass down at one part of the chain, the descendant who is next in line also cannot receive enough energy flow and may try to draw energy upwards leaving even less for their descendants.

By finding and healing the blockages in our ancestral chains we can release the energy flow and reclaim the energy for our own paths.

What do you carry for your ancestors?

Whilst our ancestors pass down energy, beliefs and traits, they can also pass down burdens.

Extreme emotions and trauma can feel too big for a person to carry or process and release in their own lifetime. When this happens we can share the load with them and unconsciously carry their pain alongside them.

What do you carry for your ancestors?

How does that manifest in your own life?

And how do those burdens grow into your own burdens you pass down to your descendants?

We can heal and release the burdens we carry for our ancestors by recognising what we carry and why and choosing to let it go.

And just like any other trauma work, we don’t need to relive their trauma in order to recognise and release it.

Ancestor work is a powerful way to find the energy blockages and recognise the unconscious inherited patterns within us.

Get in touch to find out how you can begin this process